Everything About Vape Pods You Should Know
In recent years, vape pods have become a popular alternative for smokers. Children and people who used to smoke are now switching to e-cigarettes because of their many health-saving benefits. Not only website that, the latest vape model has also become quite the hype because of its delicious taste and unique design.
Read on to find out everything there is to know about this versatile device and why you should ditch the boring old cigarettes and switch to pod vapes.
The vape market has been flooded with new devices, making it difficult to choose one that suits your needs. For the best vaping experience, you can get JOIWAY S1. Listed below are some of the amazing features of vape pod models:
Comfortable Design
If you want to hold a dynamic yet fashionable device, the JOIWAY S1 pod vape is the one you should choose.
Its rainbow transparent body is painted in attractive colors, allowing you to choose from 7 gradient colors of your choice. Moreover, the cigarette stem is the same color as the pod with the hidden breathing light. Additionally, the visual oil quantity design provides a boost to the existing radiance.
Double Sweetness
Due to its dual sweetness, S1 tastes much better than other vape pods. 0.8 core plus long air channel enhances the taste of smoked oil and increases its sweetness by 20%.
Affordable prices
Another reason people turn to vaping is because it is cheaper than traditional cigarettes. With this in mind, the JOIWAY S1 e-cigarette pod is built to be strong and durable to give you a quality vaping experience at an affordable price.
Safe & Durable
The outer shell of the vape pod is made of fire-resistant PCTG plastic and has 24V voltage protection, which guards against product damage caused by sudden voltage rises of the lower charging head. Additionally, the pod vape complies with FDA, ROHS, and CE standards which only adds to its value.
Less Dangerous than Other Brands
Compared with other brands, JOIWAY S1 e-cigarette is less harmful to the human body because it supports oral aspiration (MTL) and light lung aspiration (H-DTL) while imitating the drawing style of traditional cigarettes. MTL vapes typically produce less vapor than DTL vapes and have more restricted airflow, making them ideal for those looking to quit smoking.